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25.09.2015  |  Kommentare: 0

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald und noch wichtiger Dr. Robert I. (Bob) Levy, die wichtigsten Männer der Medizin und niemand weiß das, nicht einmal die selbst.

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald  und noch wichtiger Dr. Robert I. (Bob) Levy, die wichtigsten Männer der Medizin und niemand weiß das, nicht einmal die selbst.
Bob Levy, Dr. Robert I. Levy hat entdeckt, dass die Cholesterine und damit Hormone sich wechselseitig bedingen.

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald, der wichtigste Mann in der Medizin und er weiß es nicht, ist nicht einmal auf wikipedia. Bob Levy ist tatsächlich der, der entdeckte und William Friedewald war nur der, der aufschrieb und seinen Namen als ersten anführte, weil Friedewald vor Levy im Alphabet kommt?

Levy hat herausgefunden, dass LDL aus dem "Bauchfett" triglyceride errechnet werden kann und hat damit den Zusammenhang zwischen der Lebensform und der Cholesterin Situation als Tank für insbesondere den Botenstoff = Hormon Testosteron nachgewiesen.

Die weltweit größte Datenbank über Familie und Beziehungen Sexualität und Psychosomatik der ARGE Psychosomatik/Loosreport – Julia Rüsch, Hans-Georg Zapotoczky & Partner hat erkannt, was diese Friedewald Formel, die Levy Formel heissen müsste, beweist, dass Cholesterinsenker, Blutdrucksenker zwangsläufig schädlich bis zu Todesfolge sind.

Kein Mensch weiß, dass wenn er einen Laborbefund seines Blutes über sein LDL Cholesterin (angeblich schlechte, tatsächlich gute Cholesterin) in Händen hält, dass dieser Wert kein aus dem Glut gemessener Wert sondern ein aus dem Bauchfett errechneter Wert ist.

Diese Friedewald, eigentliche Levy, Formel beweist, dass die Cholesterine und Triglyceride und Hormone einander bedingen und daher die Einwirkung auf eines eine Katastrophe bei den anderen auswirkt.

Hormone sind Botenstoffe und entscheidend sind die "Botschaften" aus Familie und Beziehungen Sexualität und Psychosomatik die die Cholesterine, Triglyceride und Hormone bewirken.

Weil man diese Zusammenhänge der Friedewald, Levy Formel nicht erkennt, fallen z. B. die sportlichen Mountainbiker tot vom Rad etc.

Das Team der ARGE Psychosomatik/Loosreport – Julia Rüsch, Hans-Georg Zapotoczky & Partner, Fragebogen unter, hat mit ihrer Datenbank bewiesen was auch die Friedewald Formel beweist, dass 95 % der Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen mit einem Denkfehler behandelt werden.

Friedewald hat mit Levys Entdeckung aufgeschrieben, dass Cholesterinsenker einen umbringen und verschreibt als Herzarzt in unverständlichem Übersehen seinen Patienten diese Cholesterinsenker.

Dass die Wichtigkeit dieser Friedewald, richtig Levy, Formel nicht erkannt wird, ergibt sich, dass diese in den Nachrufen von Dr. Robert (Bob) Levy nicht einmal erwähnt wird. Auch den findet man auf wikipedia nicht - ein HAMMER

Bernadette Wukounig

Robert I. Levy, M.D.
Portrait of Robert I. Levy M.D.

Dr. Robert Levy, a pioneer of preventive cardiology, joined the Institute in 1963 and was noted for helping to develop a widely used classification system of lipid disorders as well as studying how diet and drugs can lower cholesterol.

Leading the Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases from 1973 to 1975, Dr. Levy established a network of Lipid Research Clinics and oversaw the Coronary Primary Prevention Trial, the first study to prove that lowering blood cholesterol reduces heart disease risk. In 1976, the Institute expanded to include blood diseases and was renamed the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. During Dr. Levy's tenure, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program was implemented. He was a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

Dr. Levy left NHLBI to become Vice President and Dean of Tufts University Medical School and later became Vice President at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was president of Sandoz Research Institute and of the Wyeth-Ayers Research Division of American Home Products (AHP) before being named as senior vice president for science and technology at AHP.

Dr. Levy died in 2000.

William Friedewald on The Friedewald Equation

In the late 1960s when knowledge emerged of the different function and pathogenic importance of LP subfractions, measured as LDL, HDL, and VLDL cholesterol, a measure of LDL was needed for risk assessment and preventive practice that was less costly and more accessible than the Gofman ultracentrifuge. The risk index developed by Gofman and tested in Framingham data required measurement of total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol in serum or plasma and computing the ratio of total or LDL to HDL cholesterol, the chemical process for total and HDL cholesterol being straightforward.

A novel, rough-and-ready, indirect but adequately valid estimate of LDL cholesterol was found at the National Heart and Lung Institute, more or less serendipitously, as told here by William Friedewald:

“This was in 1969 going into ’70, and Bob Levy (Lipid investigator at NHLBI, subsequently its Director) had this idea that there was a stoichiometry, an actual necessary relationship, between triglycerides and cholesterol in the VLDL portion . . in a constant 5 to 1 ratio, he thought. A statistician there to whom he had given the problem said, ‘I can’t make it work,’ looking at the VLDL triglyceride divided by 5. But the correlation [of VLDL divided by 5 and total plasma cholesterol] wasn’t that good, so Bob gave it to me and said, ‘I think there’s really something here.’ I said, ‘We’re really trying to measure LDL; we don’t really care about VLDL cholesterol, so let’s look at that.’

Although there was a fair amount of error in the estimate of VLDL, because VLDL cholesterol is such a small percentage of the total [cholesterol] it didn’t make a big difference. When, in fact, we used [total plasma] triglycerides divided by 5 we got a really strong correlation between LDL [cholesterol] estimated by the equation and that measured [by ultracentrifuge].

Bob said, ‘Why don’t you write it up, then?’ So my name ended up first on the paper. I saw Don Frederickson (former Director of NIH) about five or six years ago and he said, ‘Out of all that stuff that we did [in lipoprotein classification], the only thing that seems to have survived really is the Friedewald Equation.’

It should have been the Levy Equation” (Friedewald, 2003).

The equation is still used for the routine laboratory estimate of LDL cholesterol, because of the constancy of cholesterol content in plasma triglycerides and the relative ease of measurement of VLDL, HDL, and total cholesterol, at least in chylomicron-free (fasting) plasma and among “normals” and run-of-the-mill dyslipidemias. (Henry Blackburn)


Friedewald, W. in an interview with Henry Blackburn, 21 March 2003. History of Cardiovascular Epidemiology Archive. University of Minnesota.

Friedewald, W.T., Levy, R.I., and Frederickson, D.S. 1972. Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clinical Chemistry 18: 499-502.

William Friedewald
Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
722 West 168th St, Floor 15, Room 1508New York NY 10032
Phone: 212-305-3017
Fax: 212-305-1460
Additional Affiliations
Areas of Expertise
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Dr. William Friedewald's area of research interest is randomized clinical trials, with a special focus on cardiovascular disease. Most recently, his focus has expanded to diabetes and traumatic brain injury.
Big Data
Chronic Disease
MD, 1963, Yale University
Additional Affiliations
President, Society for Clinical Trials (1990-1991)
Areas of Expertise
Demography, Cardiovascular Disease
Select Publications

Friedewald WT, Levy RI, Fredrickson DS Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge Clin Chem 18 499-502 1972

The Coronary Drug Project Research Group Clofibrate and niacin in coronary heart disease JAMA 231 360-381 1975

Byar DP, Simon RM, Friedewald WT, Schlesselman JJ, DeMets DL, Ellenberg JH, Gall MH, Ware JH Randomized clinical trials: perspectives on some recent ideas New England Journal of Medicine 295 74-80 1976

Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study Research Group A randomized controlled trial of aspirin in persons recovered from myocardial infarction JAMA 243 661-669 1980

B-Blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group A randomized trial of propranolol in patients with acute myocardial infarction. I. Mortality results. JAMA 247 1707-1714 1982

Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Research Group Multiple risk factor intervention trial. Risk factor changes and mortality results. JAMA 248 1465-1477 1982

Friedewald WT Costs of clinical trials and the need for efficiency: a brief overview Statistics in Medicine 9 9-12 1990

People's Republic of China-United States Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Epidemiology Research Group An epidemiological study of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary disease risk factors in four populations in the People's Republic of China. Baseline report from the P.R.C.-U.S.A. Collaborative Study. Circulation 85 1083-1096 1992

Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) Cohort results from a four-year community intervention and community intervention trial for smoking cessation (COMMIT): changes in adult cigarette smoking prevalence. American Journal of Public Health 85 183-200 1995

Mundinger MO, Kane RL, Lenz ER, Totten AM, Tsai W, Cleary PD, Friedewald WT, Siu AL, Shelanski ML Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians, a randomized trial JAMA 283 59-68 2000



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